One World One Nation
One City
One Hope For The Future
Receiving All Donations
Donations are an essential part of your connection to make a good difference. You may not have time to give, yet any donation you give is part of you and it fuels this Movement. Continue to join in by giving and be part of this OneHeart Movement to change the world for the better, by expressing and demonstrating Love.
Tuesday Night Light
Tuesday Night light, is a Fresh opportunity for us to Learn how to impact our community. Come and Join us (two) 2 Tuesday a month to learn how to be a light and shine bright to better our community.
Get Inspired, Get Edified, And Be Empowered
We would love your Heart to Keep on Beating, with fresh, NEW and inspiring messages. We believe what you hear and you believe can affect the course of your life, and we would like it to be for the good.